Friday, August 12, 2011

Meteor shower tonight

In the northern hemisphere, the best time to watch the meteor showers is late July and early August. Nights are warm, and the two largest shower - Delta Aquarids meteor shower Perseid meteor and - agree to put on a show.

The Moon is waning in the predawn sky,in this week, but it's a fine moon, do not give much light, and some meteors may appear in its glare.
The moon will be new, or between the Earth and the Sun on Saturday. After that, the moon begins to wax again, but you will have full moon without the sky after midnight during the first week of August. The full moon will be released on August 13, the peak of the Perseids in the morning.

Although the date Delta Aquarids meteor shower is scheduled for today and Friday, officials say that in fact, meteor shower does not have a true peak.

From the southern part of the sky Meteors appear to radiate. Maximum hourly rate can reach 15-20 meteors in a dark sky, as we have in Richmond County.These average velocity meteors wandering along fairly steadily during late July and early August. An hour or two before dawn, usually the most favorable view Aquarids Delta. Try looking in the hours between midnight and dawn.

Perseid meteor is scheduled for August 12 or 13 in the morning hours after midnight - not that night.
Unfortunately, the full moon will spoil the 2011 Perseids display, obscuring all but the brightest meteors during the actual peak of a shower, according to

"But you can see the Perseids in the weeks leading up to the peak, too, if you have dark skies," writes senior editor Deborah EarthSky Byrd.
"They are usually fast and bright meteors radiate from a point in the constellation Perseus the Hero. You do not need to know, see Perseus shower meteors because they come in all parts of the sky. Perseids are considered by many people to be the best year of souls, and often peak at 50 or more meteors per hour. - At a time when the moon from the sky "

Nevertheless, 2011 is not a great year for the Perseids, because the moon is full on the expected peak dates.
Perseids tend to strengthen in the room, as late at night deep into the midnight, and usually produce most of the meteors in the wee hours before dawn. These meteors are often bright and often leave a trace. Start watching the Perseids in the first week of August. They will gradually build its peak. By the second week of August, the Moon will interfere in the sky between midnight and dawn. On the morning of August 12 and 13, you can still watch the Perseid meteors are some of the lane through the short summer night from midnight until dawn.

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