Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Doug Lamborn on the "Tar Baby" Comparison: My Bad!

Doug Lamborn is really a pity. When he called the economic policies of Barack Obama as a "tar baby" this week, he meant to use the word "quagmire." Hey, we've all been there, is not it?

In an interview with a radio show over the weekend, the Colorado congressman said:

"Even if some people say," Well, the Republicans should have done this, or they should have done that "they will meet the President. Now, I do not want to be associated with him. It's like touching tar baby and you get it you're stuck and you are now part of the problem, and you can not leave. "

Lamborn has since sent a letter of apology to the president and his office released the following statement:

Congressman was "attempting to tell radio listeners last week that the president's economic morass created for the people and are responsible for the bleak economic conditions facing our country. He regrets that he chose the phrase" tar baby "and not the word" quagmire. "

The politician told the Post Denver

"I absolutely meant no offense, and, if at all on his radar screen, I'm sure it will not be offended and he would be happy to accept my apology, because he is a man of character."

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